Jason Frasca |||

Keyword Research to Determine Supply and Demand

An Overview of a recent SEO keyword research project I completed:

Did a quick keyword research review and this is a penetrable market. There is no established leader. Keywords (search phrases) have respectable volume. There are not enough quality websites meeting the search demand.

Supply and Demand

When analyzing keywords, take note of a keyword difficulty lower than 20. If lower than 20 there is a limited supply - the number of relevant webpages - to meet the market demand - number of searches per month using the target keywords.

Consider: 5,000 monthly search volume is good for this niche. Pair it with a KD (Keyword difficulty) under 20, a Cost Per Click (CPC) of at least a dollar and, you have a winning combination.

Is This Right For you?

When looking at the keyword spreadsheet ask yourself: Can I answer these questions?

Where: questions are the searches and a website provides answers to those questions.

I suspect you can answer yes to the majority. This puts you in a unique spot… I don’t think many can take advantage of this niche the way you can.

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